Synodontis Multi And Eruptus Togeter As Individuals.


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Mid west USA
I have a soon to be separated tank of Mbuna and Aulonocara. 125 gal.
I have an established Synodontis euptera about 5". I just inherited a 4.5" Synodontis multipunctata.
both are living solo as far as genus is concerned. And have for awhile.. what are my chances of a peaceful coexistence?

I have no short term chance of separation. Should I be worried?
How big is the reunion tank? I suspect this will come down to how the S. euptera behaves, they are not reknowned for socialising, while Tanganyika syno are.

Lots of observation and treat the reunion as if they were cichlids... As in if either is the reunion tank, net it out to a bucket, completely rescape the arrangement (ensure there is at least one extra hidey hole if not more, pvc tubes are practical albeit not exactly natural) and add both synos to the tank in quickish succession (the Rift Lake syno first).
Good advice thank you.
I did a full cleaning including rock movement when I added, as you said, just as if I were adding a new Mbuna or Peacock.
So far so good. I've even found them in the same cave twice now.
A bit of show aggression.. A inch or two of push with no real follow through from the Eruptus.
They will be separated for good eventually as I would like to add 2 more Multi's when I get the new Mbuna tank up and going.
I'd like to maybe if I'm lucky see the bait and switch breeding from them :fun:

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