Synodontis Longirostrus Or Longirostris


I'm a girl . . . yup, definitely a girl. =)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Cheyenne, WY
I was looking around at my LFS today to see what syno cats they have to add to my 75gal mbuna tank. The only two they are carrying are s. euruptus and one labeled s. longirostrus which caught my eye. Naturally I wanted to research it first before adding it to my tank. I couldn't find anything for longirostrus (which the LFS labeled as a max length of 6" by the way), but I did find several references to longirostris which gets to 22". So has the LFS mislabeled this or is there really to different species. Thanks.

Synodontis longirostris <i>formerly S. ovidus</i>

Size: up to 20"
pH: 6.2 - 7.8
Temp: 69 -82F

Caves made of rocks or driftwood are the preferred hiding place during the day as they will be more active at night. You can keep large groups of these fish or other Synodontis cats together as they are a schooling fish. Very peaceful and very slow-growing.

Google images I find is better than the normal search, ;)
You get better sites normally as well. - Synodontis longirostris
Notice the difference in colours, many Syno's when older have totally different colourations to when older.

Hows that for you?
Those are the same sites I looked at before I posted. I just wanted a confirmation that Longirostrus was a misspelling of Longirostris or that they were two different fish. But that you for posting the links. :)

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