Synodontis - Feather Fins - £1.99


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

Just a note if anyone is looking for some of these, and they are CHEAP! and in the UK :D

I was at moreton park garden centre yesterday and I picked up my new plec.
They had a 1/2 grown syno-feather fin for about £14 (I think) BUT

they had babies for £1.99 they were only about 2cm maybe 3cm long. they were beautiful little things, and for £1.99 its a steal.

here's their website: Moreton Park

I love this place, the dry goods are a little expensive, but the fish are fantastic.

hope this is of some interest to some people here.

Wow, thats a great price!
Im not far from you (nor the shop) what kind of things do they stock?
Many oddballs or mainly just community type fish?

Mikey :good:
anything you want.

they will order fish for you.

Thay have your basic, pond, cold, and tropical and marine fish, as well as oddballs, rare fish.

They stock a LOT of L numbers, although they dont have many in this week, grr!! I wanted a green phantom but ended up with my butterfly pleco.
They have selections of mbuna, new world cichlids, livebearers, syno's, fighters (male/female) loads of tetra, baby black ghost knife fish, elephant noses, rubber eels, discus, loaches, alsorts of cat fish, pretty much every thing.

they also stock reptiles from snakes to lizards to frogs and toads, they have aquatics frogs ADFs and ACFs.

They also stock dry foods, and frozen, and many dry goods. as I said above the dry goods are expensive, but they foods are reasonable.

As for bettas they only seem to get veil tails in the males, though I have see double tail females and a few others. The even had a black male veil tail last year but at the time Ididnt have room for it :(

The fish quality is amazing too.

if you go and buy stuff say you were directed form here by the guy who ordered a rainbow snakehead buy you didnt get in, lol, only joking dont say that they might not buy my cory fry any more :D

Where abouts do you live? I'm from the deeside area... shudders...
Cool, sounds like a great shop, i might have to pop in there some time...
Im in cheshire. I know the deeside area, i get most/all of my motorbike stuff from the shop there...cant remember the name though...

hrm not sure about that place... hrm... closest motorbike I can think of is in Chester. unless checkpoint nr Asda do motorbike parts :)

I warn you though, going to that place with really burn a whole in your pocket, I spent at least £40-50 every time I go lol...

and your gonna need more tanks, believe me :D
:lol: Im not sure whether thats a bad thing though.... :hyper:
I think i might give em a ring and see what they can get in, that ive seen but havent though i could get hold of...

Oh and the motorbike place is called trackspares...

lol never heard of the bike place :D

Naa these are Syno. feather fin but they look only just ready to be sold, they are tiny, not even as big as my little finger nail (pinky for your forgeiner, lol :fun:)

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