Synodontis Eupterus


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
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I fell in love with these catfish at the LFS, but I only have a 36gal. Am I out of my mind to ask if I could put one in my tank. I'm switching my tank up and so I will have a hole tank to fill with whatever. I really love them but...... I read that the apsolute minimum tank size would be 40 gallons :( (four gallons shy). If I can't get those do you have any suggestions of other smaller catfish and fish to coexist with them? Help will be much appreciated.

- BubbleBaby
if you get a couple of small ones, (1-2inches long) then you will have 12 months or so to get a bigger tank. Then you can move them across and everyone will be happy.
if you get a couple of small ones, (1-2inches long) then you will have 12 months or so to get a bigger tank. Then you can move them across and everyone will be happy.
Yeah I'm trying to convince my parents as I write this(to get a bigger tank). I really love the synodontis eupterus, it's so pretty. It would be great if I could get a 55+ gallons. Thanks for the advice! :)

I heard syno eupterus can become very territorial when large if there is more than one in tank, hence why I have stuck to only having one...anyone else have any experience with this?
Synodontis Euptereus, or featherfin catfish. Can be very agressive in small tanks or tanks with limited hiding places.
If you are wanting to keep more than one, you will need a tank of atleast 40G, preferably more as these fish are very active. So basically, large tank, lots of cover, and you will have happy syno's.

Im assuming you have done research on them?


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