Synodontis Eupteris Trouble Maker


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Hi. I have an S. eupteris in a 55 gallon with just a few other fish. I am going to completely restart my fish hobby because with the 80 hour work weeks I had last year I totally botched it.

I don't want to get rid of him. He's my favorite. But he can't stay there. He'll eat any fish smaller than his mouth whole in the middle of the night.

I can easily sell him back to my LFS. I got him there when he was like, 2 inches. And now he is about 7". I could probably give him away too. But I was wondering, what would you guys do in order to keep him?

What kindof special tank setup could I finagle to make him the star of a tank? Or something?
what else is in the tank?
you just need to keep him with stuff he cant fit in his mouths.
Oh, sorry.

The point is that there are only three labs in the tank with him. I want to fix up this tank and get some fresh "talent" so to speak. But he'll eat them all!
I went through similar issues with my syno eupt, but there is hope.
- make sure he has lots of hiding spaces
- he will eat little fish when he is hungry.

I usually drop a cube of blood worms in every couple days about two hours after the light goes off. I still lost a tetra or two when i leave for a three to four days, but normally he is fine. now that he knows he gets blood worms he tends to wait for those. I would also recommend fish that are quick, like danio's if you want smaller fish. catfish are lazier than most people think and for the most part will not chase down a danio.

you could also do tiger barbs which he cant eat. does this help?
Yes, that hels a lot! Of course, it's a Malawi tank, but the blood worm idea is good!
- he will eat little fish when he is hungry.

its interesting you should say that. i have two, one 3 years old (6-7 inches) one 18 months old (4.5). neither bother any of my fish. i have 4 cory small enough to fit its mouth, but they are all still there! i have ADF's too, all still there. the tank is a mature, well stocked 50ukg. i feed, as i do all my fish, with flake, the odd chunk of blood worm and some pellets. they love cucumber and peas too.
no caves/hides though.

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