Synodontis Eupteris Mating? Has Anyone Seen?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2008
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Buffalo, NY
Hi all, haven't been on in quite some time but I need some expert advice! Has anyone seen Synodontis Eupteris (featherfin) mate? I have 2, each about 5-6 inches and they have always gotton along pretty well with the occasional chasing over territory. They mostly share the same log together peacefully. Today, one seemed to be chasing the other away everytime it got near the log. Then the one that was being chased got near the log, flipped to its back, tucked its top fin real low and the other syno was floating above it. Then they were cirling each other up and upside down. It onl lasted about a minute, but Ive never seen them act that way before. Is it an aggression/ territory thing since they are getting bigger, or could they be mating? I have read that they haven't had much luck mating in captivity?
They do (rarely) spawn in aquariums, but fry seldom result. They're egg-scatterers, and quite prone to eat the eggs as soon as they're finished spawning.
Sounds promising. I've observed my catfish doing similar things and yes, spawning may happen (may well have been happening). As said, there's a high mortality rate and it seems rare to have surviving offspring. I've had one in the years I've kept them and that I didn't know of until it appeared swimming at the front of the tank one day. :look:
I've also had the pleasure of watching multipunctatious (spl) spawn. That was fascinating. Unfortunately the female died shortly after and no young came of the spawning. Am hoping the 2 females I now have may spawn with the fella but nothing as yet in the last year or so.

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