Synodontis Eruptus - Flaky Peeling Skin?


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
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My syno. has what I can best describe as flaky skin or something on her. Maybe it would be right to say she looks like she's peeling after a bad sunburn, but not so dramatic. I noticed she seemed to be agitated and trying to jump/splashing the water at the top of the tank so I checked on her, only to notice her weird skin. I'm having trouble deciding if I want to say shes peeling or looks like she has something ON her. Whatever it is doesn't seem to have progressed very far yet.

I'm currently treating the tank with Ich Attack, I'm on day three because I noticed another fish at small white dots on his fins. I assumed this to be ich and treated. Those spots have disappeared and now my catfish looks like that.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a> This is not my fish, but a good picture of what she usually looks like.

The tank is a 44 gal salted freshwater tank.

Other tank mates include a pleco, 3 phantom tetras, a serpae tetra (spelling might be wrong), 1 cory catfish, one goldfish (a feeder fish for a needle fish I used to have that has somehow outlived everything...), and one zebra danio. I think that's all that's in there right now.

When I tested my levels about a week ago, everything was in a normal range.

Should I do an immediate water change or add salt or what? Please help me save my catfish, I've had her for several years since she was small enough to fit in a 1 gallon "tank" and she's my most cherished fish.

UPDATE: Did a more recent check of my levels... not quite as good as it was, here it is.

pH - 6.4, was closer to 7 on last check
Ammo. - 0 or .25. I say 0, boyfriend says .25
NitrAte - 20 or 40, again hard to tell, but I'm aware it's too high regardless
NitrIte - 0
Temp. ~80 F


I decided to change a significant amount of water and add new carbon to the filter. The tank is a bit cloudy now from me stirring up the filter... I accidentally pulled out a sponge at the bottom and it clouded everything up a little. Once that settles I'll try to get a look at my catfish again.

If she still seems sick tomorrow, are meds recommended? I was thinking maybe a broad spectrum anti fungal/anti bacterial? Something like Melafix and Pimafix... though I know those two specific meds are not widely praised, any alternatives?
I was always under the impression that salt and syno's were not a good mix, I know most plecs do not do well in salt. Could that be it?
I'd agree with that. The salt may well be burning her, causing the skin condition. Never kept any of my synos in salt water. :crazy: The meds may have irritated her too and if your tank is now clear (obviously this being an older post I hope that is the case) clear out meds with carbon and watch her closely for a while...and remove the salt!

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