Synodontis and Rainbow Sharks


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
Basically I've got a 20 gallon long with lots of cover. I was wondering if I could have an albino rainbow shark, a red tailed black shark, and a synodontis catfish in it. I've also seen the red tailed black sharks simply called rainbow sharks. Are they the same thing?

I'm also wondering if any of these would pester bottom feeding albino cories?

I have no experience with these sharks, or the synodontis. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Edit: By the way, these would be the only 3 fish in the tank (+ the cories if they would work)
I would say NO.
shark catfish do not get along with others, even with those of other species, especially ones who look so similar like the rainbow shark and the redtail.
A redtail shark is a different species than a rainbow shark, a rainbow grows about 7 in., and a redtail 4in.
as for the sinodontis, you're going to have to narrow it down a bit, there are thousands of them. :)
A good catfish research site is Planet catfish.
The catfish I'm going to guess was the Synodontis Eupterus. It said it grows to be 4 inches, and is semi aggressive.

What would make a good tankmate for a rainbow shark? They have them in together at the shop, but I'm guessing that is because they are young and small.
got a syno eupterus and its alot bigger than 4 inches.....prob about 8!! got a red tailed shark too and i don't have them in same shark is quite aggressive whereas my syno is peaceful fish.
please don't put different sharks(i.e. red tailed , rainbows , bala etc)in same red tailed black shark got so aggressive with 2 bala sharks he ended up killing them........evil git!! still think he is luvly tho!
Hehe, I won't be putting any of them together, no worries. I always read up and ask my favorite forum for advice before I try anything new. :)

I do still want a shark though, so what the heck DOES make a good tankmate for a rainbow or red tail, or even the synodontis eup? I would like at least one of these in a 20 gallon... what can I put with them?

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