Syno Ocellifer X Granulosus


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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I can't find much info on this hybrid

I have always wanted a syno. Granulosus. They are sooooo expensive though
Then I saw one at my LFS and it was only $40 so I snatched it up, but as they gave it to me they explained it was a hybrid of a granulosus and ocelifer.

My tank is a 125 gallon

The tankmates are

1x Blue phatom pleco (seemed agressive at first, but has calmed down)
1x Synodontis has angelicus - It's like 8x the size of the new guy, but has shown no aggression. They even hand out around the same log right now
1x tiger pleco - never seen around the tank
1x corydora - the survivor of another tank
1x angelfish
5x roseline shark (barb)
You got a pic mate I think I may have a similar cross.

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