Syno. Ocellifer Diet


Aug 3, 2005
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What's a good diet for these guys? I suppose it would be similair to other Synos, so what do you all feed yours?

Thanks, Michael
Not got that particular type of syno but I do have a great many different types. They all do very well on JMC catfish pellets (My angelicus refuses all other pellet types) and also love live brine shrimp, blood worm (Very popular that) and frozen foods along with shelled peas once or twice a week to keep their systems in good working order. I believe the Ocellifer synos like a very meaty diet but I'd say all mine get that anyway.
Just give plenty of choice and he/she/they will soon tell what they do and don't like. :thumbs:
Thanks for the help! I'll look out for sinking carnivore pellets, and have been advised to get Algae Wafers. As for the bloodworms, hmmm, that may be a little difficult as the Africans I've got don't really like a lot of protein in their diet. I may start feeding them some bloodworms after a month or so, but even then rarely(once a week). Will this do fine?
Yup once a week is good. :thumbs: Alot of my catfish won't touch algae wafers but will eat plectomosus tablet food. :X Only downside to that is they don't sell them in big pots, only little ones. Beign that I have alot of catfish it means I have to buy one a week. :S
P.S:I'm guessing you have africans that are veering more towards a veg based diet (herbivorous). Mine aren't y'see, which really makes my life easier. Mine will eat just about anything I put in there. And love live food. Not that that should matter, so long as your herbivors don't take a shine to the catfish pellets. If they do you may find they get constipation trouble, but hopefully not (shelled peas to the rescue)! I know my africans do eat the catfish pellets too but they're designed to cope with a higher protein diet. Just means they're growing a rate of knots. *doh*
I suppose the Algae Wafers may not be as important, seeing as these guys do seem to be more meat-loving. I actually rememberd a good idea; PVC tubing, send the blood worms down the tube (let them sink) to the bottom without the other fish getting to them :D
Good idea in theory, except my Malawis take it right off the sand anyway. :lol: Maybe I just have cheeky cichlids. Best bet is to make sure you put the catfishes food in literally seconds b4 lights out. That way they'll get the majority of it b4 the cichlids get their mouths around it all.

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