Syno. Feather Fin Always Hiding


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
I've put a Syno. Feather Fin in my mbuna tank since Nov, 2006 and I've never seen him ever since.


He never comes out from under the rocks and I had given up on him - thought he no longer lives. But a few days ago, I rearrange the lighting and through the cracks of the rocks I could see glimps of him moving behind. He's so much bigger now and got such graceful fins (though I could only see partially).

I would be nice to see him come out and show off once in a while. Is there anything I could do? Is it even possible?

Thank you.
Well in the night it probely comes out a bit more, but they like to hide and in your tank you have lots of hiding places. The only thing I can think of is to take out some of the rocks. But at the same time I think your tank looks awesome as it is.
Synodontis eupterus are nocturnal, mine only comes out during the day for food.

You could always put a red night light on the tank, this way you can view him at night (they cant see the red light).
Mine hides too, but he shares a rock with my plec so he has to take his turn elsewhere. I did have 2 until one died in a PH crash and I saw much more of them then. Thinking of getting another as they will be able to go in separate tanks when they are bigger, if necessary.

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