Syno Eupterus

San O Fisher

Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2008
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Okay, so I knew this guy would grow fast, but did not know this fast. I bought him at about 1.5 inches at most & last night he decided to come out before the lights were off & he was about 4 inches, just smaller than my L200, who he use to hide behind in one of my caves. I know they can get up 8 inches +/-, but does anyone know when this growth spirt will start to slow? I have had for a little over a month. At first he never came out and i was actually worried he was not eating, now i hope that he leaves food for the plecs.
it depends on tank size but usually they slow down when about 6 inches long.
I bought a eupteris ages ago at 6inches, probs got him 3 or 4 months ago and he hasn't grown a bit since eupteris is out all the time day or night and bugs the absolute crap outta my fish! is anybody elses like this?
if i put food in the tank he is out and about whether the light is on or off, but normally with the light on he is under the cave, especially if there is a lot of comotion. sounds you got a social one!
if i put food in the tank he is out and about whether the light is on or off, but normally with the light on he is under the cave, especially if there is a lot of comotion. sounds you got a social one!

My partners dad has one which acts very much the same way, he's easily the largest fish in the tank and yet hides in a barrell around 95% of the time.

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