Syno Compatibility

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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i've a 6/7" syno who i believe to be a synodontis nigrita in my 92gal. always known i should get him some friends if i can. he's quite boisterous and a little territorial but never caused any damage to anyone.

someone wants to rehome what they believe to be a synodontis euruptus here is a pic of him


can you confirm if he definately is a euruptus, he looks very very similar to my syno if not the same, i'll be having a good look at him tonight to spot any differences.

am i likely to experience any issues adding him to my syno's territory and tank? if they are a euruptus and nigrita then are they compatible? would they be happier together than they have been alone if they are not quote the same species? should i try and get hold of maybe another 1 to go with them?
I ahve a feather fin on his own in a community tank and hes ok but yours looks like some sort of hybrid between a kin of polkadot catfish and just a normal syno? Im no expert tho im just sayin what i think.
Cheers, Joemuz
i has to be a hybrid.i want to say a eupterous/ocifellar.its a good possibility.i dont think it has njassae in it either because it would have smaller and more spots.also looks a bit like a adult S katangae or maybe a veilifer.u will see your current catfish out more if u get a second.
my current ones out all the time.

i'm surprised if the one above is a hybrid because he's identical to mine so mine's likely to be the same hybrid. bit of a coincidence!
possible, can't speak for this other person's cat but i've had mine from 1 or 2" long and he's never had the juvi markings, always just been spotty :dunno:
well fish are imported from another place MOST of the time and it would be easy to find a fishstore that orders from a large commercial business that other stores order from too.its an easy thing to get hybrid as some are tank bred but then some of the commercial stores still buy from other u get what im gettin at?

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