Syno Breeders.....

Ricky Savage

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
St Catharines Ontario
i have what looks to be 6 healthy Featherfin synos in my 45 gal...they were sold to me from wal mart and were said to me Upside down cats but as they grew older they lost their juvinielle markings that look simalir to the UD cats....they seem to be doing fine in the tank, not bothering any other fish besides their own lil skirmishes...would a group of 6 spawn well in a community?
most likely no.they are very boisterous fish and would do best and probly breed in a species tank.
We just had to get rid of our beloved syno eupterus, he became so aggressive,he was killing other fish,no matter what tank we put him in.
You don't say what size your tank is,but my featherfin was 8" so 6 of them would need a big,big tank all on their own,not to mention other tankmates. Alot of fishshops mistakenly sell syno eupterus, as babies,as upside down cats,but the markings and fins are so very different. Shame really. Good Luck and let us know how you get on.
im not too sure how to add the pics but i ahve some of the biggest one that is about 5inches....they are currently in my 45 gal 36x18x16 community tank with all the fish that are in the sig, its kind of over stocked but i do a 15 percent water change every 2 days and make sure all the fish are healthy and happy...for which they for aggresiveness, they are pretty aggresive, but only towards eachother...they could care less what the other fish are doing, cuz they are too busy argueing over the best spot underneath the driftwood...eventually i will be rehousing them once i gte more funds, but as for right now they will be in there.

if anybody could help me with the photo's that would be not sure how to insert them into a reply..

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