Syno Angelicus Pics!

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
This is my lady Angelicus. I've had her for a number of years and she's grown into a lovely healthy young lady. Very round, bless her and she spends a great deal of time right at the front of the tank, especially at breakfast times, when she watches us at the table. :wub: She hates loud noises though and isn't keen on tank cleaning day. :lol:



You sure she hasn't been helping herself to your breakfast leftovers??? :lol:
That sure is one big angelicus.... maybe she just overdid it at Christmas!
Great pics though
Lol, nope, she's been that well built for about 6 months now, if not longer. All my female synos have done similar things around the waistline. Such a distinction between them and the males and they are all fed the same. I just need to find her something large enough to hide in! The caves she has are now either too small, a very tight squeeze or not long enough to hide her whole. :lol: Bless.
They are expensive Kuhni. I paid £55 for her when I bought her. Which in Aus$ works out at 123.60.
Lol, nope, she's been that well built for about 6 months now, if not longer. All my female synos have done similar things around the waistline. Such a distinction between them and the males and they are all fed the same. I just need to find her something large enough to hide in! The caves she has are now either too small, a very tight squeeze or not long enough to hide her whole. :lol: Bless.
They are expensive Kuhni. I paid £55 for her when I bought her. Which in Aus$ works out at 123.60.

I've got one of these fat blighters too, though i'm a little concerned how shy it seems to be. It's very rarely out in the day, and now I don't even often see it at night - it has a nook in some bogwood that it lives in, and i'm getting a bit worried. Any advice?

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