Syno And Syno


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
Hi, I have a Juwel Rekord 120, i have different types of fish (silver sharks, angels, rainbows etc), and i have a synodontis alberti and i was wondering whether there would be any problems if i put a featherfin synodontis in with it?

My syno has 2 half coconut shells as it's territory, where it takes refuge, But if i put something similar at the other end of the tank, then do you think it may stop a conflict between the two if i got it?

Any advice gratefully recieved.
I have 2 featherfin catfish in my Rena 150x50. I don't know how they'd get along with another syno but be careful if you have any small fish. We recently put in 11 Harlequin Rasboras - we now only have 9 and have not found any dead ones anywhere so we assumed that it was the catfish as we have been told that they might eat little fisheys. They don't seem aggressive to each other or anyone else but the big guy will chase off the smaller one so they keep to separate ends of the tank.

These guys get quite big quite quickly though - they were only about 4cm when we got them 2 1/2 months ago and the big guy is now at least 4-5 inches. They were both in our Juwel Rekord 120 and we never saw them. Now they are in our bigger tank we see them all the time and they seem a lot happier.

Sorry I can't be more help! :/
Featherfin Synos are about the most boisterous syno commonly available. However, this is mostly due to the fact that people keep them in tanks with out enough hiding places. If you have LOTS of bogwood or stone then I don't see it as much of a problem, but try to keep them with few hiding places and you will see alot of aggression from the syno towards other bottom feeders, particularly other synos.

OK thanks guys for the advice, but alas, the featherfin i was planning on giving a new home seems to be a tad far for me to get, so ill stick with my alberti, it's no trouble at all.

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