Fish Connoisseur
The Synirr Boy that hid with the girls and passed has come out of the closet. He/she was so pretty--a clear red with some blue-green. I liked this color, so I put him/her in a 20 long with six Brochis Splendens (Green Emerald catfish--looks like giant cory), six c. melantaenia (looks like a large yellow aeneas), and 9 harlequin Rasaboras. He was a perfect gentleman or lady.
Well, he has grown up. I had noticed his color changing. His red has gone metallic and his tail has perfect metalic red and turqoise rays which he arched in perfect plakat fashion.
This morning I caught him in a perfect and beautiful flair. But THEN he started chasing the Brochis all over the tank when they came out to eat. Mind you the Brochis are three or four times his size.
I had wondered why the Brochis and Cories were hiding all the time under their driftwood, and there have been black worms left uneaten, white against black Tahitian sand. Now I know that for some unknown reason the Synirr boy grew up to take exception to the Brochis Splendens.
Well I moved him to a 10 usg, and this weekend that tank will be upgraded to a multiplex for Bettas.
Now should I do boy/girl/boy/girl or all boys? Got some rehoming decisions to make this weekend.
So, I apologize. My perfect gentleman Synirr Boys have a little brother that has some manners to learn.
Well, he has grown up. I had noticed his color changing. His red has gone metallic and his tail has perfect metalic red and turqoise rays which he arched in perfect plakat fashion.
This morning I caught him in a perfect and beautiful flair. But THEN he started chasing the Brochis all over the tank when they came out to eat. Mind you the Brochis are three or four times his size.
I had wondered why the Brochis and Cories were hiding all the time under their driftwood, and there have been black worms left uneaten, white against black Tahitian sand. Now I know that for some unknown reason the Synirr boy grew up to take exception to the Brochis Splendens.
Well I moved him to a 10 usg, and this weekend that tank will be upgraded to a multiplex for Bettas.
Now should I do boy/girl/boy/girl or all boys? Got some rehoming decisions to make this weekend.
So, I apologize. My perfect gentleman Synirr Boys have a little brother that has some manners to learn.