Syn X Bp


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
This is my Synspillium that I gave away to a friend, he has paired up with his female BP and they have just laid a batch of eggs.







Ooops didnt realise the pics were huge :S
what is the synspilum cos he looks liek the fish in my dp :D
Vejia synspillium, if you mean the fish in your sig thats a chocolate cichlid.

Heres a better pic of the syn.

Vejia synspillium, if you mean the fish in your sig thats a chocolate cichlid.

Heres a better pic of the syn.


that looks close to pics i have found of flowerhorns, trimacs and trimac flower horn crosses. are they all related? i know there is a great number of hybrids that have synspilium in them. what do they actually contribute to the hybridization? what traits do they contribute is what i mean?
Synspillium have been mixed into a lot of the newer flowerhorns.
how big do you thik these guys should get and would they be ok with JB parrot in a 55 gal US (no other fish) if it is sucessful (all the fry live that is). if it would wor, put me on the waiting list ;)
I would expect them to get quite large, syns get to about 12-14" and BP's can reach over 8" but in all honesty I dont really know.There was a large BP in the lfs the other day like no other I have seen, not only its markings base colour of yellow with lots of marbling but it had the face/mouth of a syn.If its still there on friday I might just get it..
At least snap a pic of it T, sounds neat!
the face of the cohocolate and synspilum look the same, they must be related closer than alot of the cichlid family are...
id love some of that fry just imagine the colours :D :eek:
the face of the cohocolate and synspilum look the same, they must be related closer than alot of the cichlid family are...
id love some of that fry just imagine the colours :D :eek:

Nah I think chocolates are more closely realted to oscars and severums as they are south american with synspillium being central american.

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