swordy gal help help help!!!!!!!!!

Jan 31, 2005
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brisbane, australia
i noticed a swordtail gal lieing on a leaf wiyh this white stuff around her mouth she wont move and is breathing fairly fast wats hepenin? i really need sum help oh i forgot to mention we think shes pregnant could this mean anything plz plz help!!!!!!!!
It sounds like columnaris or a similar bacterial infection. You may want to isolate her in a quarentine tank if you can and treat her with antibiotics. I'm not sure what's available to you in Australia, hopefully someone like Angry_Platy will be along and can recommend something. I like to use a broad spectrum antibiotic like kanamycin or nitrofurazan. I don't know if the Jungle brand Fungus Clear fizz tabs are available there but if they are they work well as long as you treat for 8-10 days. I've treated pregnant swordtails with both of those antibiotics and it did not seem to have any harmful effects on the fry. You want to act quickly though as columnaris can kill them very quickly. Is she a recent addition to your tank? Do you have any other swordtails or other livebearers in the tank? You'll want to keep a close eye on them as well. Check their mouth area and also their fins, look for traces of white fuzziness on the fins, this is a pretty common place for it to first show up.
I am sorry to hear this....polardbear sent me a PM asking for my help but I only just received it :( SOOOOO sad.....

I haven't as yet found any decent antibiotics in Australia that you can buy for fish....I tried tri-sulfa a while back but the fish still died....I would have suggested a salt dip....

Once again, I am sorry
Sorry for your loss, she had mouth fungus columnaris, do some water changes in the tank, keep an eye on the other fish for signs of white fluffy bits on them.

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