cation said:
Did you cycle the new tank? Or transfer the filter media to your new tank, or the substrate?
It could be the CAE attacking them, I suppose. They're usually docile when they're younger, but become agressive bullies when they get older. How do the bodies look when you find them? Torn up? or whole?
Well i havent used anything new if that is what you mean, as for the bodies, that i have managed to heal now, it was torn on the dorsal fin and the caudal fin, and there was a chunk missing from her under belly and one of her pectoral fin was half missing, but she if healed mostly now, the her fins are, not her pectoral one, and the belly has heal thankfully, considering she is still blinking carrying... :rolleye:
"i wouldn't keep my red tailed black shark in a 2ft tank unless he was on his own!!!! just my opinion......... "
I have only got one, and at the moment it seems the female swordtail is ruling over him and keeping him in place, for she is not properly attacking him, but more warning him off when he gets around her terrioty
"In my experience,when something goes wrong with water chemistry or if the tank isn't cycled,male swordtails seem to be the first ones to suffer and die from it. You may want to wait awhile,let your tank establish itself for awhile,and then add another male swordtail. I went through the same thing,I waited about two months and after that they thrive. "
Wow, i didnt know that, thanks for telling me, that will make me think twice now before adding a new one
What i have done with the Chinese algae eater is put him in my oter tank which is at least a 5 gallon tank, fairly tall, and so set him up totally in there, and i will go out and get some neons to keep him company for he seems not too bothered by them, so i have release the female into the bigger tank along with my platie and the Red Tail black shark and i will see how they get on, but from what i see they are remarking their terrioty and they are doing alright now and i have released one of my babies as well (Bubbles) and at the moment she is doing ok...
Thanks for the info by the way, i will have to get a pH tester then...