Swordtails Changing Gender?


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Ok, this may be a stupid question, but I heard somewhere that some livebearers can change their gender... :dunno: Dunno if it's true or not, but I figured I'd ask. :/

I think this happening with one of my two young swords. They were in a tank with my nicest betta at first and both looked like females. Then I moved them into their permenant home, with my adult Platies and Swords, and for the past month and a half they've still looked like females.

Well, now the bigger one, is starting to develop a gonopodium. No sword yet, that I can see. The thing is, he/she is in a tank with all females, as I lost all of my male Platies and Swords. So can the younger fish sense this, ans they are changing their gender to make a few males in the tank?

I dunno...I'm confused, and I'm sure I just confused half of you guys as well. :X
I raised a Swordtail from birth a while back that I SWORE was a female until it was close to 7 months old. Then, within just a couple weeks, HE became the tank Ruler :nod:
it is true, they can change sex, although i think it goes only from female to male- not the other way around. after my male sword died, the remaining female turned into a male.
:nod: Swordtails can change gender. Actually, it's a late developed male. I once bought a female swordtail and about a month later, is developed into a male. He grow a long sword on his tail, but he didn't breed with any of my females. I have the pictures to prove it too! :rolleyes:
Ok, well I'm glad I'm not crazy! :p Thanks for all the replies guys! :D

It's wierd though...I wonder if my other young female will now turn into a male as well, or stay a female? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out. :thumbs:

Are there any other livebearers that can do this or is it just Swords? :/
swordtails cannot change gender. it just takes a while for the male swordtail to grow his sword on the tail and the gonopodium. its just like humans. all humans start off as females then the gradualy get there male characteristics. it is not possible for swordtails to change sex.
Swordtails in fact can change sexes. I have seen female swords after have set os fry turn into males. But these males cannot mate either way, cuase on the out side they are male but on the inside they are not. So this makes them sterile males. This happens when there is no fmales in the tank or if they get over populated.
I agree with Da Oz
Female swordtails can give birth, then become externally male
I'm not sure what exactly happens internally, but they are sterile

My theory would be that something in the environment causes them to overproduce male sex hormones (testosterone/andosterone or fishy equivalent).
this would cause them to develop male secondary sexual characteristics (gonopodium, sword etc.).
It may be that the ovaries change to become teste like to produce the hormones, but certainly they would no lunger function as ovaries

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