Livestock: Platies + Swordtails (all atleast 1inch)
Quantity for sale: 30+
Reason for Sale: Too many
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £1
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Cheltenham
Minimum purchase is 2, so that they can stay together.
Are all old enough and big enough to be put with bigger fish, such as angelfish.
If anymore information/photos are needed, my email is [email protected]
Quantity for sale: 30+
Reason for Sale: Too many
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £1
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Cheltenham
Minimum purchase is 2, so that they can stay together.
Are all old enough and big enough to be put with bigger fish, such as angelfish.
If anymore information/photos are needed, my email is [email protected]