Swordtail With Fungus?


New Member
Jun 8, 2011
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I recently moved house which was fun with shifting a fish tank - one of these days I might get round to writing about it to help others moving house! If you have any questions I can give some tips and also some websites I found useful.

Anyway after the stress of moving house I noticed a week later that my female Neon Swordtail had some fungus on her mouth. I went to the fish shop and they recommended Tetra General Tonic which I used (after a big water change) and that seemed to do the trick after a week or so as the fungus disappeared. After a few days however it seemed to grow back on her tail so I decided to re-dose again and again it seemed to go down although not totally disappear. I'm not sure what I should do now as the fish seems fine but still has what looks like scarring on her tail (not sure if this is the fungus or if this is just what happens after fungus). It doesn't seem to be getting any worse. I did another 30% water change on Saturday and I'm planning on doing another this Saturday but was just wondering if anyone had any advice.

I'll try and add a photo of her although sometimes the 'fungus' looks to have come back and then other times (an hour later!) it seems to have almost gone! Like I said she does seem fine so I don't want to add more medication for the fun of it but neither do I want it spreading to any of the other fish.....

Thanks in advance for any responses.


Not had any replies on this but so far so good with my Swordtail.....I've done a 30% or so water change every week and she hasn't shown any signs of the fungus coming back so its seemingly a thumbs up for Tetra General Tonic from me!

I added 6 Tiger barbs to the mix and they've settled in fine and dandy adding some activity to the tank - love the little guys already....think thats me about done with 16 adults, 3 semi-adults and 1 baby :)

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