Swordtail pestering other fish


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Wakefield, South Yorkshire, England
Hi all,

Just added a red hi-fin swordtail with my 2 blue platies and all he seems to do is chase them around all the time.

One is constantly hiding now on teh bottom?

Will he lose interest?

Is it best to remove him will he cause my platies to die?

Any advise greatly appreciated


Lone male swords can be a bit dominant. They should loosse interest in a while but it will never completely go away. However, as long as there are plenty of hiding places and no real damage is being done then things should calm down in a week or so. If the activity carries on beyond then i would either get the male sword a couple of ladies or take him back. HTH :)
I have 1 male and 1 female swordtail in my community tank and the male
never leaves his ladys side. he doesnt take any notice of any other fish in the
tank only her. I dont know if this is often the case with swordtails but if he was on
his own i think mine would be very lonley so maybe you should try a lady friend
as tstenback suggests, that might be all he needs to sort him.
I got a new sword tail, and he is great...I have a male sunset platy, he was very mean to my tuxcedo platy's...I was afraid he would be toward these swords...but him and the male sword tail seem to be the best of friends...I have heard of taking the fish out of the tank for a few days, then putting him back, that has seemed to work for a few people on here. good luck
yeah try it it worked on my aggressive female black molly.all she did was boss around the choco female.now i got the both a boyfriend and they started fighting over him :blink: i couldnt belive the mollies were fighting over him.i looked at im and told him your a lucky guy :lol: .i took out the female and put her in a breeder tank and then when i put her back she was nice.

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