Swordtail Mollie


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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i think my male mollie and my female swordtail have crossbred,does anyone have any pics of crossbred fry?hopefully they would help me figure it out.
i think they can lol my molly is preg by my sordtail
It's physically impossible.

Molly's can carry sperm for upto 6 months after being with a male of the same species, this is how the get pregnant even with no males of the same species
well i have 2 fry in my tank that look like mollies and my female was put in after they were born.
It isnt possible. I believe its because they don't have the same number of chormosomes. Platy's and Swordtails can breed. Mollies and guppys can breed. But Platies / swords CANNOT breed with mollies/guppies.
well i have 2 fry in my tank that look like mollies and my female was put in after they were born.

It may look like a molly but it will be a swords if that's the only female livebearer u have.orry
The female could ahev breed with another fish before you bought her and then you buy her, bring her home, a few weeks later... shes VERY pregnant and you're only thinking it is the sword. ( It has happened to me)
okay,i think i figured it out.about a year ago my big mama mollie gave birth to about 70 fry and died in the process.all of the fry were deformed and died or so we thought.at the same time this happened my swordtail had 30 fry and we put them in our breeder trap while picking out the dead mollie fry.after a while we noticed that 2 of the fry were actually mollie fry that had survived.they were both female so i kept them.about a month ago they both died and a while after that was when i noticed the mollie fry.neither of them looked big enough to have fry let alone be pregnant.i guess they fooled me.i didn't know that mollies and swordtails couldn't crossbreed,that's why my natural assumption was that they had.thanks for answering my question and not bashing me for my stupidity.
I am glad you figured out the real source of your fry. It works a lot better than insisting on something that is impossible. I think it is great that a molly that died a year ago was able to provide oyu with unidentified fry this spring.

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