Swordtail fry and antibiotics?


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
Not an emergency yet but I'm thinking ahead. Does anyone know if livebearer fry (swordtails) can handle being dosed with antibiotics? I've got 8 little guys that are around 4-6 weeks old, about 1/2" to 3/4" in size and I'm seeing some white fuzzies on the edges of their fins. I'm fearing an outbreak of columnaris is about to happen. For now, I'm doing daily water changes and increasing the amount of salt in the tank. I've also added more aeration and I've brought the temp down as low as I can get (which is 76 degrees). I'm hoping I can get them through it with just these measures.

The point of this post is to inquire about anybody else's experience with treating fry with antibiotics. Any success? Long term effects to be concerned about? Any recommendations for a particular antibiotic if I have to go to that step?
Plenty of water changes and salt in the tank if you have no scaless fish, also salt baths columnaris hates salt, if you do have to use an antibiotic i would go in with half the recommeded dose with them being tiny, good luck.
Hi Paula :D

I've used JBL Ektol fluid on my little fry in the past for a bacterial infection with no problems. Since I have soft water the medication recommended I use half the dose. Whichever medication you are planning on using make sure to read the instructions carefully.

It sounds like with everything your doing the fuzzies might just go away :thumbs:

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