Swordtail Finrot Help


New Member
Sep 30, 2012
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I was observing my fish tank today when I saw my female swordtail had a little cut on her tail and ive noticed in the last 6months that 2 of my fish died of finrot could someone plz tell me if she has finrot and what to do.
I dont have time today but ill try to put on a photo tomorrow
What size is the tank?
Is it cycled?
What other fish are in the tank?
its a 60 litre tank yes it is cycled and ive got 1 gourami , 3 swordtails 1 male 2 females , 3 baloon mollys 1m 2f , 3 mollys 1m 2f , 2 bronze corydoras and 1 albino corydora
its a 60 litre tank yes it is cycled and ive got 1 gourami , 3 swordtails 1 male 2 females , 3 baloon mollys 1m 2f , 3 mollys 1m 2f , 2 bronze corydoras and 1 albino corydora

:/ when I notice my fish is being picked on I usually sit there and watch them for about a good hour or so... and if they're shy i'll hide behind something and watch them... I heard gouramis can be vicious...and I have bad experiences with mollys nipping at other fishes and well the corydoras are basically eliminated from the idea..and maybe the male might be harassing the female... could be a number of things actually ._.;; because not all fishes even though by "nature" are peaceful aren't always peaceful :3 and finrot is worse on the tail AND IS contagious... because it spreads faster onto the body, or so that's what i've expereinced and read, so I would buy some primafix... especially since you had previous fishes die from it, its technically "growing" in the water and the smallest of wounds could harvest finrot :/

But i'd but my money on the gourami...
shal i do daily water changes and should i put finrot medicine in
What kind of gourami? And there really should be more cories in there. Rehome the albino, and get at least 4 more bronze cories. Your tank is also overstocked for a 60l.

You will need to remove the carbon in your filter. Do no use pimafix or melafix. The tea tree oil will damage the gouramis labyrinth organ, causing it to drown.

I recommend you either use Mardel Maracyn Plus or use API Furan-2. Follow the instructions, and good luck :good:
Also monitor the water stats closely, as the medicine might wipe out filter bacteria. If this happens, use Tetra AmmoniaSafe to keep the levels low until treatment is over and you can do daily water changes
What kind of gourami? And there really should be more cories in there. Rehome the albino, and get at least 4 more bronze cories. Your tank is also overstocked for a 60l.

You will need to remove the carbon in your filter. Do no use pimafix or melafix. The tea tree oil will damage the gouramis labyrinth organ, causing it to drown.

I recommend you either use Mardel Maracyn Plus or use API Furan-2. Follow the instructions, and good luck :good:
Also monitor the water stats closely, as the medicine might wipe out filter bacteria. If this happens, use Tetra AmmoniaSafe to keep the levels low until treatment is over and you can do daily water changes

I agree with the corys but i don't believe it will be necessary to remove the albino as they are a variant of bronze so will shoal (i think).
What kind of gourami? And there really should be more cories in there. Rehome the albino, and get at least 4 more bronze cories. Your tank is also overstocked for a 60l.

You will need to remove the carbon in your filter. Do no use pimafix or melafix. The tea tree oil will damage the gouramis labyrinth organ, causing it to drown.

I recommend you either use Mardel Maracyn Plus or use API Furan-2. Follow the instructions, and good luck :good:
Also monitor the water stats closely, as the medicine might wipe out filter bacteria. If this happens, use Tetra AmmoniaSafe to keep the levels low until treatment is over and you can do daily water changes

oh~ :eek: i don't have a gourami so I wouldn't know :eek: thanks for saying something T^T;;

and yeah usually medication comes with water changes D:
What kind of gourami? And there really should be more cories in there. Rehome the albino, and get at least 4 more bronze cories. Your tank is also overstocked for a 60l.

You will need to remove the carbon in your filter. Do no use pimafix or melafix. The tea tree oil will damage the gouramis labyrinth organ, causing it to drown.

I recommend you either use Mardel Maracyn Plus or use API Furan-2. Follow the instructions, and good luck :good:
Also monitor the water stats closely, as the medicine might wipe out filter bacteria. If this happens, use Tetra AmmoniaSafe to keep the levels low until treatment is over and you can do daily water changes

oh~ :eek: i don't have a gourami so I wouldn't know :eek: thanks for saying something T^T;;

and yeah usually medication comes with water changes D:

Wrong topic, I think :shifty:
What kind of gourami? And there really should be more cories in there. Rehome the albino, and get at least 4 more bronze cories. Your tank is also overstocked for a 60l.

You will need to remove the carbon in your filter. Do no use pimafix or melafix. The tea tree oil will damage the gouramis labyrinth organ, causing it to drown.

I recommend you either use Mardel Maracyn Plus or use API Furan-2. Follow the instructions, and good luck :good:
Also monitor the water stats closely, as the medicine might wipe out filter bacteria. If this happens, use Tetra AmmoniaSafe to keep the levels low until treatment is over and you can do daily water changes

oh~ :eek: i don't have a gourami so I wouldn't know :eek: thanks for saying something T^T;;

and yeah usually medication comes with water changes D:

Wrong topic, I think :shifty:

Haha, silly us :rolleyes:

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