swordtail chasing barbs, why?


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Newcastle, UK
ok, here's the deal. I've already got 7 neon tetras, and 5 glow light tetras that have been living peacefully with a red wag swordtail and some others.

Today I introduced 4 cherry barbs and the swordtail starts going crazy chasing them all over the place and also going after the danios for ome reason.

Any reason why this might happen? (it's usually a very peacefull fish)

There are exceptions to every rule. Maybe you've got aggressive swordtails. Maybe they are feeling territorial because the barbs are invading their space. How big is the tank?
He's settled down now and seems to be leaving them alone but for the first day those barbs got no peace.

Often when new fish get introduced into an established tank, the "new guys" get checked out by the others. Unless it starts causing damage, let it go.

Incidently, Cherry Barbs are a non-schooling fish. They are best kept as a pair, or trio 1 male 2 females. 2 males together in smaller tanks may fight.
just an update, everything seems cool with these guys for the minute except now my two Dwarf Cichlids are fighting all the time :thumbs:


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