Swollen Von Rio Tetra


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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On Saturday one of my Von Rio tetras was extremely bloated and fat. I put it in my 5.5 gal hospital tank and treated with Maracyn II as I thought it might be dropsy. However, the fish is still swollen and having trouble swimming, although it's not having any trouble eating. What else could the problem be? Any suggestions?
Have you try a shelled pea, it could be constipation, what do you feed the fish, also daphnia is good as it helps digest there food, what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
I have not tried a shelled pea. I suppose I need to go to the market and buy some. Poop looks normal though. Fish eat flake and occaisional bloodworms. Some of the tetras also nibble on the algae wafers I put in once a week or so for my catfish.
I would still try the peas, then you have done everything you can really do, good luck.

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