Swollen poop hole


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
my new betta that i bought tht eother day seems to have a swollen poop hole.

He is eating but im yet to see any poop on the bottom of the tank.

As there is white sand on the bottom is would show up very easily
It looks like there is a flap of his skin over the 'hole'

I've had him for 3 days today.

is there anything i can do??

I'll try and get a picture but he still very scared and hides alot
Someone I know feeds garlic flakes to his constipated fish and it supposidly does a great job -- I'm not sure how accurate this is though, and I'm not about to try it on my own bettas :)

Just a thought.

no lettuce. take a frozenpea-nuke it in the microwave and peel the skin off. crush it and feed it to the betta. garlic makes food more palatable-i dont htink it helps constipation. daphnia is also good for constipation. tetra and hikari make freeze dreid daphnia. i recommend hikari.
Humans take garlic tablets for indigestion, I think. :dunno:

Question: Is there a red protrusion from the hole? My plec and ADF died from such a thing, so I want to know if anyone else has had the same problem.

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