swollen fin


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Sacramento (City of the Governator)
Bandit's paw has actually been swollen for a while, i don't remember noticing if it was like that when I got him, but it has been about the same since I noticed it. I was thinking today it looked like it could be infected, but before I thought it probably just grew that way, and it doesn't seem to bother him. Some people might say it's because I have gravel instead of sand, but it is nice smooth rounded gravel, and nobody else seems to have problems with it. In fact I think it's the relatively large pebbles and rocks that allowed 3 baby cory aenus to grow up in my comunity tank without being eaten.
Anyway, I was wondering if i should try isolating bandit and medicating or something, but I've been just leaving him alone for nonths already and he isn't looking worse. He just has this one pectoral fin that's sort of club shaped instead of fan shaped like the other one. I don't know why. :dunno:
I guess I really need to become proficient at sending pictures.

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