swollen eye


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Devon, UK

one of my black lyre tailed mollies has a swollen eye and I dont know why. He has no ill effects fat and feeding as ever. none of the other fish appear to have it.

I have looked up in my fish book and it just says pop eye? is this what it is?
under pop eye it says bacterial, septicaemia or TB.......... :blink: well that doesnt narrow it down much

It also says pretty much untreatable and to euthanize :-( understandably I dont want to do that

I have it spereated but I dont have a spare tank so it is in a bowl on a heated area with a thermometer

so what do I do now? I have no salt but could get some tomorrow. I have a bacterial treatment called Myxazin, should I use this? :unsure:

Please please help save this lickle fishy life.........and maybe that of all its tank mates :sad:

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate <25mg/l
ph 6.5
Myxazin is a good bactericide and may do the job, as long as the damage is not too deep. Mollies are well known for being suseptible to these and other types of pathogenic infections. Check too that there has been no fighting amongst your tankmates and the eye injury is not the result. Other than that I can offer you no comfort-sorry. :(
I have a rummy-nosed tetra who lost an eye following an infection or injury (never did find out what). He's still swimming around, a year later. Looks a little odd but he's fine.

Have you got salt in there? I'd dose him with some Interpet No.9 Anti-internal Bacteria Treatment (which I believe is the same as Myazim), preferably in a hospital tank.
Ok so he is now out of the tank in a clear bowl ( :( no not a fish bowl a normal cooking bowl about 4 litres it contains......but I never cook so it has no detergent near it) and to this I have added Myxazin, but the bowl is unfiltered and unheated, what can I do to make this livable if I have to treat the fish for 4 days? Air into the water, heat etc

:-( help
I think I will place him in a bag like the one he came in and lay this in the tank over night for heat, I can change the water 50/50, hoover it out etc in the morning

is this a bad idea?
not much water at all but more than those breeder baskets Ive seen used
Ketyana, my mollie is suffering from popeye right now, too. I did not separate her from her tankmates, and I am treating the whole tank with MelaFix. I noticed the problem Sunday morning, and have been treating since Sunday evening. I havent noticed any change in how her eye looks. But on the bright side, from my reading I've found that if its only affecting one eye, it's most likely not your water quality but stress or some sort of eye trauma. If your medicine helps, I'd like to know... because mine doesnt seem to be. :/
Good luck!

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