Swollen Belly on my Betta


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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Hi, can anyone tell me if a swollen belly is bad on a sia/fighter?

is it male or female, have u been feeding him alot? try a pea he might be constipated
It's a male, we have not been over feeding him, and we put a pea in a day anyway for the crab.... and more suggestions? I have been reading about dropsy, but seems fine and not unwell and is still eating, and scales are not sticking out.
Normally, the poop will look long and stringy if it's internal parasites. It could be internal problems, but I'd assume it's constipation until it shows other symptoms. Fast it for a couple days. If it was weak and acting sick, that might not be a good idea. Since you think it acts fine, fasting might be the best thing at first. In 2 days, try feeding the inside of a cooked pea that was frozen..not canned.

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