Swollen Angels and Platies


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Hi, well i dont know if i'm over exagerating or if I got a problem. The tank is about 26 days old, and i had the nitrite level tested - 0.2, i'm not sure if my tank is at the begining or end of it's cycle anyway. It's a 3 foot /100l +-24 gallon (i think) Tank

I have 4 angels and 3 seem to very fat!!!! but the other one who was very attentive and hungry seems to be very recluced lately aswell, also my platies seems to be behaving fine but looks as tho he may expload. I also have a few tiger barbs some of which seem rather bloated aswell ( I'm not sure if they"re just females). My Dwarf Gourami seems allright, a tad on the chubby side tho.

I have'nt been overfeeding them! i have even cut back a little, feeding theem once a day every second day. they are on a Flakes and bits diet with blood worm every 2/3 days.

What could be cuasing this, i'm not sure if it's swim bladder, cause they all seem fine and happy just fat!
Also, my dwarf gourami seems to be quite aggresive toward the angels. I'm not sure if its a teritorial thing or if i should get anouther one, I heard it calms them down ????
Gouramis can be territorial. As some angels tend to stay near the top of the tank the gourami may see this as the angel being in his territory. As long as there is no nipping or very aggressive behaviour it should be OK.

As for the fat fish, if they are active and healthy and you think that they are just overweight, stop feeding them the blood worms for a couple of weeks and see if they slim out. Dont feed them extra flakes though, just feed the same amount of flakes you currently do. Also angels are not great at cycling a tank, some make it and others dont so be prepared for the worse just in case. keep up on the daily water changes until the cycle is finished. HTH :)
Will do, but i have also just noticed that my dwarf gourami now has a dark blue stripes running down his sides which seems to have popped up. It seems to look natural but it seems odd that it would just pop up, unless adding more plants did it?
The dwarf gourami could just be coloration developing. Keep an eye on it looking for any weird behavior. The fat fish could be bloat or just overfeeding. Do they act fine otherwise? Do you notice their scales sticking out any? I've never had an angel, but my shark catfish are always fat.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I fed my gourami everyday twice a day and he only was fat after the feedings.

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