New Member
Hey All,
Bought some play sand last night at my local Home Depot gonna put in in when I get home from work!!! Very Excited got Khulli loaches about a Week ago with the intent to switch over to sand as soon as I could Feel so bad for them they be trying to dig in the Gravel and cant!! Pour little guys! So just looking for little advice currently I have around 3 inches of aquarium Gravel, My plan is to only put the sand on half the tank my question to all yall is can I just poor it over the old gravel? I realize some will go through the gravel but Can i just pile it up until it settles on top of the gravel I like the Idea of having a couple inches of gravel and then an inch of sand on top (for looks) and then I figure this will give my khuli loaches half the tank to dig there hearts out. any advice suggestions or criticism is Welcome and appreciated Thanks Alot guys! Hope to hear from Ya`ll !
Bought some play sand last night at my local Home Depot gonna put in in when I get home from work!!! Very Excited got Khulli loaches about a Week ago with the intent to switch over to sand as soon as I could Feel so bad for them they be trying to dig in the Gravel and cant!! Pour little guys! So just looking for little advice currently I have around 3 inches of aquarium Gravel, My plan is to only put the sand on half the tank my question to all yall is can I just poor it over the old gravel? I realize some will go through the gravel but Can i just pile it up until it settles on top of the gravel I like the Idea of having a couple inches of gravel and then an inch of sand on top (for looks) and then I figure this will give my khuli loaches half the tank to dig there hearts out. any advice suggestions or criticism is Welcome and appreciated Thanks Alot guys! Hope to hear from Ya`ll !