Switching From Rock To Sand?


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Feb 8, 2011
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I would really like to switch my 10 gal. tank from the decorative rock,to sand. Can I get the sand at any pet store? Also, how would I go about doing this? I currently have platys in my tank. Would I basically be starting my tank over again from scratch? Have to go through the cycling again? I also want to switch from plastic plants, to real. Make my tank as natural as can be. I have also been thinking of getting a larger tank too..so I might just get the larger tank and set that one up as a more natural one and do the fishless cycle with that one and then transfer my fish over to it. If I end up not getting th larger one and sticking with my 10 gal. How would you suggest I do it?

TIA for any advice!!!
Right, if you get a new tank (which is always the way to go if you can afford it!) all you need to do is buy the sand, plants etc and just arrange it how you want it, and then put ALL or as much as you can old filter media from your current cycled filter into the brand new one. This will avoid a full cycle and possibly even a mini cycle if all goes well.

If you dont get a new tank, just take all the gravel out using a scoop or a siphon if possible, you might want to put the fish in a bucket at this point because it gets very messy!
Then put your WASHED sand in the tank using a scoop again, arrange plants, decorations etc, then fill up with warm, dechlorinated water and put fish back in :)

To wash sand, fill a bucket about a quarter way up with sand, and then use an outside tap or something to fill the bucket with water, keep tipping the water away, along with all the little floating particles, as these are what will cloud your tank water when you put the sand in, until there is no more to tip away and you are just left with clean sand :)

You can buy playsand from a lot of home stores like Argos, Homebase and now it seems asda and tesco do it!
Oh I can use regular play sand? I did not know that. I thought I had to use a special sand. Thats even better. I am unsure of getting a new tank yet. Not sure if the budget will allow at the moment. I really can not wait to get the new set up done. I am thinking my fish will be much happier that way. Especially with the real plants.
Yes, much cheaper and although a little dirtier, still looks the same after washing, you MUST wash it properly though otherwise your tank will turn into what looks like milkshake!

Most fish will prefer it aswell, and it keeps the water chemistry better because there is no food/poo rotting in it :)
Excellent. I have decided to stick with my 10 gal. but buy a second one as well. So I will cycle the one 10 gal. with the sand and switch the one I have now to sand. I think it will look much nicer that the dec. rock. Figured while I am switching to real plants.. may as well make it all natural.
Thanks for all the help!!! Now to decide what other fish to get for the other 10 gal. (I know I wont need to worr about getting them for a while.) I have platies in one.. any suggestions? I am not an experience fish keeper so I want some fish that will not die easily. lol

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