Swimbladder - Please Help


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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Last night my little betta was fine swimming fine in his bowl (He is only very young).
I did the water change on the bowl like i do every other day and woke up this morning and he appears to have swim bladder trying to swim against floating on his side at the top.
Iv'e treated him with some swimbladder solution. And will be doing another water change tonight.
Any suggestions pleasssse.
James :(
Is sb just keep water warm, lower water level and feed only live food? Thats what I do for fancy goldfish.

Good Luck. :good:

my new one is fading rapidly and I dont know what to do!
my telescopic fish has sb and he is ok. not sure about bettas though..mine always seem to go down really repidly when they are ill. will keep my fingers crossed for yours and mine. I have had 3 weeks off work. . work at a school..and I really need to get motivated got to go in today..best wishes.
Thanks for your help liz, Apreciated.
As for you others if you read POST :p
Seriously. I'm worried about this little guy. Going to school now.
just fed all the animals ....one more coffee...just done 50% water change on my boy. got the 3 school goldfish in tank upstairs..one of them has been acting funny and is now swimming sideways! :crazy: :crazy:
I have lost all of my Fancy Goldies to sb. I have decided it is the Common Goldie playing too rough with them and damaging their sb.

Sometimes Betta can have sb from the pressure of constipation, I have read from Synirr. She has great success with sb in Bettas, as I believe RandomWiktor does.

Yes lower the water. Put a plant or decor that goes to near the surface to lay on. Might try a day or two fast and then some pea, just in case of constipation.

I think RW will be by soon to give you some help. Betta can live quite well with chronic sb problems. Constipation is another matter intirely.
Unfortunatley the little boy died, I am so upset. I tried all i could and he still died. Just before i went to school
I put him in the beanie box with warmer water (As recommended) and the swimbladder conditioner.
As i found him about 5minutes ago he was floating at the top and had a sort of white cloudy look over him. Like some kind of fungus it looked.
:( oh sorry James. Perhaps it was for the best one of mine has sb but not very severe. Best Wishes, dont be upset you did your best. xx
My little Crims, (red vt) has had swim bladder issues for probably the last 2 months now. I treated him with everything I could find and everything that I read. No luck. Poor little guy has been moved into a bigger fish fry unit in my 35 gal so I can keep him in a shallower more stable water home. He seems to be doing okay, when I feed him I make sure to feed him slow, and so that he gets everything. He hasn't lost his appetite at all, and still blows bubble nests everyday.

I know I should probably put him down at some point, but I can't bring myself to do it. He still seems to be okay and well, I'm a wimp. He's my special little guy. Sorry that didn't really help you, but I just wanted to tell my story that they can live okayish with issues somtimes.

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