swim bladder


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Sloatsburg, NY
I think my little buddy may have swim bladder disease. He is a bit bloated and seems to be floating at the surface on his side. When he does get upright he swims around the tank franticly sometimes swimming into the sides of the tank. I recently put him in his old 1 gal. to help cure him. Anyone have any ideas?
add a little salt and try and raise the temperature of the water a couple of degrees that will speed up his motabilism......hope he gets better
Is it possible he may have been overfed?
Do you have any peas in your freezer?
If you do.... try tossing a few of them into a small bowl with a tiny bit of water - then cook them in the microwave for 45 seconds or so. Let the peas sit in the water for a while, then shell one, chop it up and toss it in. Most bettas love peas - and if overfeeding is his problem, the pea will help move things on thru.

I would then hold off on feeding him for 2 - 3 days and see if his belly goes down. That should help. If it does, you might want to back off on your feedings by a pellet or 2 each day.

Good luck! :)
one of my bettas has bladder bloat (and an arch in his back) as well. He's been like that for months, yet healthy, eating and flaring. I cant seem to get that fat tummy down though, no matter what I do.

Hopefully you'll have better luck!
Thanks for the replies everyone, ive been adding salt, unfortunately he is now in a 1.5 gallon plastice aquarium that does not have a heater. I was thinking about placing a heating pad under the tank but im not sure if that will be too much. As far as the pea trick, I am going home for lunch in a couple of minutes and I will check the freezer.
Use the heat pad, definitely, if you've got one. But also use a thermometer, so you can be sure you aren't cooking the little boy.

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