Swim Bladder

ray john

New Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
swindon wilts
hi all need advice pls about swim bladder ? i think one of our fish have this its a male butterfly ram in my 5ft tank all other fish seem ok not sure about test results going to do that soon. it was just lying on the sand bottom on monday night so put him in a breeding trap but need to know what to treat him with ? thanks we had him about 1 year .
i got told that cooked peas may help with swim bladder, cook them, shell them then mush between fingers and feed, aparently with swim bladder u need to fluch the fish through and the peas do this dont feed anything else tho..
there was a thread about this just yesterday, having a read may help, unfortunately swim bladder problems are not always cureable :-(

Swim bladder problems are a symptom of numerous ailments, so treating it is hit and miss. I have had numerous fish with swim bladder problems and all healed by themselves within a day or two.
Rams are notoriously picky about water conditions. If your stats are looking ok then its possibly bacterial.
What other fish have you got as it might be getting bullied

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