Swim Bladder?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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any tips on how or if poss if u can cure swim bladder i am pretty certsin myplatie has it
You can buy swimbladder meds for them

hi and thanks for response...am now of to bed was wondering if there is any thing i can do b4 i retire lol... or is it a case of hope for the best until the morning? all i have is revitaliser tonic and that dot seem to be helping him
Some people put them into a breeder trap or hospital tank so they dont get too stressed trying to swim upwards. moving them can stress them more though so prob best to just let him be, poor thing. Good luck x
What fish do you have as you could add some salt.
If he's hard breathing the med could finish him off faster.
Is it still eating? If so, there's a good chance he'll be okay. My molly had a swim bladder issue a few weeks ago, but still had an appetite, and was fine in a couple of days.

Constipation can cause swim bladder issues...try feeding crushed frozen peas (recommended to me by nmonks, they work wonders), and give him a couple of days.
Good, good. Didn't realize it was posted in two places. :)

yeah sorry thought i would put in fish emergencies then thought hang on he is a live bearer maybe try in there lol.... anyways....he died shortly after posting RIP
thanks 4 all the replies tho

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