Swim Bladder Problems?


Oct 26, 2004
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One of my females has a huge belly, and she seems to be having a bit of trouble swimming. She'll sruggle to get to the bottom, and as soon as she stops moving, she bobs right back up to the top, almost like she's filled with air. I hope it's not dropsy... I don't see any pineconing, but then again, she's so tiny, I don't know how I would be able to tell. I doubt it's constipation... she just got here in the mail, and I haven't fed them yet, so she hasn't eaten in at least 3 days.

Can females have swim bladder problems if they are gravid with eggs?

Here's a pic of her:
dunno about bettas...but my fancy fish I warm the water...lower the water level feed only live food and use one of swim bladder meds if they get distresed...dont quote me for bettas though....good luck.
Hi there -

Her fat tummy is a pretty normal appearance:) She's still a baby, and is just filling up with some nice ripe eggs.

I would hold off on medicating her. She never has ever exhibited any sick, illness, disease or swimbladder problems since hatching and certainly not before she was shipped to you a few days ago - and was shipped unfed. And in her bag - the presence of anti fungal/bacterials/parasite treatment, Indian Almond Leaf etc. So, if she is showing this somewhat strange swimming only on the day she arrives, it is likely due to her transport.

Let her settle in, feed her some good foods (she will take crushed pellet, flake or live), and give her awhile.

I understand wanting to be sure you do what is right, but you should let her settle. Also, she is not used to succh a large place, othe tankmates etc having been in a breeder jar since separation. It will prob take some time to feel at home.

Best wishes
Okay, fawn, thanks. :)

(Would you believe that was the turquoise glass one?)

I woke up this morning, and she was sitting in the middle of her bowl, just chilling. So I put her back in the 10 Gallon, and she's doing just fine now. :)
... I don't see any pineconing, but then again, she's so tiny, I don't know how I would be able to tell.

The pineconing can be pretty hard to miss actually. I had a betta die that way, but not until after tons of treatment and lots of bouncing between improvement and regression. But the one thing that was always easy to spot was the pineconing. You'll know it when you see it, believe me!

Glad to hear she's fine now. :)
It must just be that she's not used to the big tank and moving water... she's bobbing at the top again. I'll just leave her be and see if she settles. If she doesn't settle in a few days, I'll get her her own smaller tank. :)
Aww that is great to hear! I am so glad to hear theya re all schooling, that is adorable! hehe.

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