Swim Bladder Disorder?


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I've noticed my new fish cannot swim down.. she tries, but it is very difficult for her. Should I treat this as swim bladder disorder, or...? Any experience with this type of behaviour? Other than that, she is very active and playful, flares at the boys and otherwise throws a fit. She ate her little heart out earlier today with no difficulties, (and I didn't feed her that much..)


if you have an airstone in with her-she could have swallowed a bubble and it will pass soon. if it does not, i might be worried. ive never treated for swim blladder before.
No air bubbles. Shes acting as if it is normal for her to halfway bend up into a u shape to breathe and get food.

I think its a genetics problem... her spine is fine, but I'm treating by no food for 3-4 days then feeding a pea.. hopefully its an air bubble in her tummy and gases from being half starved by the pet store.

She is really beautiful, and I don't want her to suffer. For now, she is active and seems happy, so I'll leave it be. I just hope she doesn't start to suffer and its not permenant.. if thats the case, I'd be forced to euthanize :( And I really love my little Emerald, she is so spunky and active and curious about everything.

She just can't swim down. Thats not her fault, either.

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