Swim Bladder Disorder


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
My last betta, Mr. Miyagi, died of a swim bladder problem caught too late. :( I'm about 95% sure that's what was wrong. I have a new betta now, named Sato, and I'm wondering... are there any ways to prevent swim bladder problems? I'm sure there are, but I'm still relatively new to keeping bettas.

I keep Sato in the same tank Mr. Miyagi had, it's a 1 gallon with no filter or heater. It came with an airstone but I know they aren't really fond of them, so I took it out. And is a heater really necessary for such a small tank?
Swim bladder can be fetched on by unstable temp so you need a heater.
Also unstable temp can fetch on whitespot, swim bladder, and columnaris
You also need alittle sponge filter in the tank, don't need the airstone with a filter.
Bad water quality so keep up with maintance.
Poor diet of to many dried foods, so veg and frozen foods.
Peas are good keep the fish going to the toilet.
Frozen daphnia good for digesting a fish food.
Yeah I've been trying to put more variety in his diet and I was looking at heaters and filters at the store today.

Thanks! ^_^
most of mine that have had sb probs seem to have been when I used to feed flaked food so I now dont use it

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