swim bladder disease


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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as you guys know, i'm raising a bunch of babies right now, but as time goes on i find more and more of them with SBD -_- is there a way to prevent this?

i feed them peas every week or so and toi the fry that i see with SBD, otherwise they are fed twice a day wtih frozen bloodwroms and frozen brineshrimp, with the occassional live blackworm.

What could be cuasing this and how can i stop it/prevent it from happening again?
SBD is caused by overfeeding, and brine shrimp is known to cause it as well. How old are they now, and how much are you feeding them? I would probably recommend cutting the brine shrimp out of their diet.
Usually caused by the fry eating the shells on unhatched eggs, or even the shells from hatched eggs. I feed a small dose of MW 15 min before feeding any bbs. This helps the fry to fill up without it being mostly bbs. Be very careful in harvesting the BBS, as this is the #1 reason for SBD. Overfeeding at a young age can result in it as well, because the stomach being so full prevents the swim bladder from forming correctly. Just another reason I like the dwarf corys in the fry tank. They eat the extra food, so the fry do not eat for an hour.
As the members above have posted, brine shrimp is known to cause swim bladder problems-especially with young fry. One of my bettas had a case of swim bladder when I bought him from the LFS. They only feed their bettas brine shrimp. After a day or two of fasting, and a couple of days of peas, he recovered from the swim bladder disorder. He's been happy ever since. :D
1 question, I have a batch of 3 batches of fry. the first group I fed BBS and had 3 that had SBD.
batch 2 was fed mw and a flake/eggyolk mix along with peas
batch 3 was fed decapped BBS and mw and flake/egg mix

Batch 2 had the most SBD cases of 5 and batch 3 had 1. The batch with the most SBD cases had 0 bbs
the fry are way too old for bbs or mw now. They are headign to 6 weeks and are eating frozen foods adn some dried pellets.

When they were younger,t heyw ere fed bbs and mw, i tried to get the unhatched eggs out but i have to admit that i couldnt' get all of them out. The fry never really touched them anyawys becuase tehy ddin't move, and only wanted to eat things that moved.

I just want them to get better now...any ideas how? i already feed them peas, and i try nto to overfeed but i dotn' watn them to starve either.
Swimbladder disorder's a pain.. it's too depressing to see them struggling to get to the top for air.
:D yay, sbd really isnt' that bad of a problem..i think i just overfeed a little bit, so i'm a bit more careful with the amoutn of food that i put in for them now :)

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