Sweet Fish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
cleveland, ohio
I was just looking thorough Doctor Foster and Smith's web site and i saw this beauty,

I was wondering if anyone had ever seen one and the price on this little guy was $2,999.99!!!!!!!!! i was thinking what would you do if you got it and it died like a week after you got it, that would suck.
Wow, some of those "Diver's Den" fishes are extravagent. Or outrageously overpriced, whatever your opinion is. :crazy:

As to what it would be like if it died the next day; I can assure you, it would suck. :crazy:
to qoute the great beavis "this sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before" I believe he was talking about the death of that fish after he put it in his 150 gallon tank....or the tv....
Jewelled Tang, lovely fish.. rare and carries a high price tag :S
yeah, that's a nice and rare fish.
I seen one about a year ago, and it must have been a steal at $1,500.00!!

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