Sweeper tentacles for newbies


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Hi..some of you will be adding corals soon and notice comments like "temperament aggressive" or "extends sweeper tentacles beyond it's base". For those of you who are curious, here is where those sweepers come from. The first picture is that of a favites coral also known as a brain, moon or pineapple coral. It is an LPS coral and contains zooxanthellae, so, it obtains most of it's food supply from photosynthesis.


After dark, the coral 'retracts' and if you look towards the center of the polyps, you'll see rims of brown forming. Those are the sweeper tentacles preparing to come out and expand to catch any plankton floating by. I tried to catch the same polyps:


I hadn't seen a post like this so I thought someone might be interested. You CAN get a sting if you touch sweeper tentacles. SH
So, do they extend a fair ways out, or are they short little things? Or does that vary depending on the type of coral?
Depends on the coral.. this one appear to extend about an inch or two. Some can extend 6 inches and nail the heck out of neighboring corals. SH

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