Suspected Pair


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I did nothing special with the water except filter it threw my RO system. I believe I may have a pair. I think this because I have what looks to be a male and female laying under the same rock almost all the time together. What do you guys think? Do I have a pair or are they just simply hanging out?
I can conform they are a pair...

conrats on the pair and probably soon to be little blue crayfish. :good:
Thank you :) Does anybody know what baby crays eat? I want to be prepared when these little buggers are born.
yep they will,,btw ur female looks like she has a bad bit of shell rot,,,best to treat her after babies arrive...
How do you treat shell rot?

This is the advice a good friend of mine gave to me on another site,,, i quote,,

Make up a salt dip in a small container and soak the crayfish in it. Either 30 grams per litre of water, for 2 to 3 minutes: or 10 grams per litre of water for 30 minutes. This will kill or retard the bacteria from spreading. You may only need to treat this once if the shell has not be penetrated by the infection. You should notice a color change of the infected area (whitish) to indicate the treatment has been successful.

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