My betta Susan is acting very odd. He is usually very active and comes up to the front of the tank and wiggles anytime there is movement around him. He ate last night and was very active like usual. I woke this morning to find him sitting on the bottom outside his log just lying there. His eyes are clear and his fins are slightly open, they don't seem to be clamped. I shined a light on him and haven't noticed any swelling, raised scales, or anything else on him that is physically out of the norm. I tested his water and the nitrates came up a little bit, but a swift water change fixed that. His temperature is at 79 degrees. I placed a small air stone on the far side of the tank to aerate the water more since he doesn't seem to want to surface. I currently have his light off and a towel covering his aquarium to reduce any more stress. Any idea what could be wrong?
EDIT: The only change that has been done recently is I added a small piece of driftwood with anubias attached to it. I boiled the driftwood for four hours and dipped the plant in a diluted bleach treatment before placing them in the tank. Yes, the plant and wood were rinsed thoroughly and soaked in dechlorinated water before being placed in the tank. I have since removed the wood before I changed the water this morning.
EDIT: The only change that has been done recently is I added a small piece of driftwood with anubias attached to it. I boiled the driftwood for four hours and dipped the plant in a diluted bleach treatment before placing them in the tank. Yes, the plant and wood were rinsed thoroughly and soaked in dechlorinated water before being placed in the tank. I have since removed the wood before I changed the water this morning.
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