Survivor Neon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2006
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2 or 3 weeks back I bought 3 Neon Tetras for my tank.

The second day, I look in to see one has NTD. I didn't get any time to wait for my ride to get home so I could get any meds, because the little guy died. :(

The Third day, I wake up to a dead Neon.

This didn't bode well for my third Neon, so the rest of the day, I was basically waiting for it to die. He kept going strong, though.
Of course, I learned I needed to cycle my tank, so I did so about a week ago. I had read around here that some of the weaker fish could die during this, and that Neons were weaker than most.

But there he is. After losing his 2 Neon Tankmates, and going through a tank cycle, he's happily playing with the airstone bubbles like a maniac.

Of course, in about a week, he will be in a new home with about 3 more Neons, living in my sister's classroom (and of course, I plan on getting him a little airstone to play with there).

Found his story pretty interesting, as I've read a lot that they're weak fish and don't usually survive major changes(like tank cycling)
we used to have 14 neons & lost just about all to ntd except one little survivor who lasted well over a year with no neon mates..........i was a bit worried about him being lonely, but as we'd had so many problems with neons didn t want to get more of these fish just to have to watch them die from a horrible disease. our lonely neon attatched himself to our group of 6 cardinals & seemed quite happy, but i didnt like just having one all by himself but felt we didnt really have any other choice.
hope your little neon keeps on going strong with his new friends :D
This little guy keeps amazing me.
I set up a new tank and slipped my Tetra and Guppy in, as they were going to be going (with the tank) to my sister.

Last night the Guppy looked very ill and listless, so I moved him, the Tetra, and the one ghost shrimp over. (I also tried adding 3 neons, which the filter sucked up :crazy: )
This morning, I find the guppy dead and the Neon doing just fine. I think the tank was contaminated (>.<) but the little guy passed another obstacle.

I never expected him to live past the tank cycling, really. :good:
wow! 1 tough neon! im proud of im..or her! im getting neons (probably) after my tank has cyled, really colourful lil things, i like them more than cardinals as they have a silvery bit to there body and stay alot smaller! :D

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