surgery on fish

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Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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Does anyone have any info on fish surgery? Ahve any of you done this, or had it done? If so, how and what were your results? I am considering cutting off an anal fin portion on my female, because it is rotting and getting dangerously close to her body. But if I do do it, I want to do it right. I just cant imagine doing it to one of my babies.
Cutting fins(what you are talking about) is done regularly by some breeders to keep male's fins from getting to heavy and preventing movement and breeding. It can also be used to prevent severe finrot as you are talking about. although never trying it myself, the correct method would be to sedate the fish with clove oil(not too long), and place it on a paper towel, spread the fins gently to their fullest. with a straight blade(razers work) push down on the fins, cutting them. DO NOT drag the razor across the fins as this will cause severe tearing. Place the fish back in fresh water to rejuvinate, with some fin rejeneration meds too.

hope this helps.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that bettas don't feel much if anything in their fins. I have a couple of boys who will chew their tails if they get too excited. It must not hurt that bad if they keep doing it. I would just be careful, and do a lot of research before you do it.
What both fishentusiast(sp, sorry im bad with long words :p) and catmom is correct. it isnt very painful for the fish, the clove oil is used to keep the fish from moving not from pain.
Personally, I would skip the sedation, that's too risky and I've never heard it recommended before.

Use a wet towel and a sharp blade. An exacto knife might be easier to work with.
the reason i say that is because holding down a wet slippery fish is hard to do when your concentrating on cutting fins. of course, you can skip it if you feel confident in yourself.
You should fold the towel over the fish, leaving only his fins exposed, and gently hold him down with one hand. Only my two cents though, I would hate to see someone accidently euthanize their fish, that's all. I know I wouldn't feel confident enough in myself to sedate :)
I thought I was going to have to do this at one point, but luckily he got better. i definitely wouldn't have done the sedation thing. Most people think the best way to euthanize is clove oil, so I would be way too scared that I would over do it. esp. since noone knows exactly how much to use in either scenario. Goodluck
Thanks. I'm only going to use it as a last LAST resort, if this finrot gets much worse. Just thought I would pick as many brains as I could before I even considered it.

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